By email

To contact one of the members of our practice directly, would you care to send an email using the format ‘’ please?In other words, you should use the surname (or last name) without any first name or initial, for example (nb – this is simply an example and not a real address).

In the event that you wished to put a general question, would you be kind enough to write to please?

During the business day, we strive to respond to such enquires within two hours viz. if you are in France or in another EU country on Central European Time (CET) or Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

  By telephone

You might care to call any of our telephone numbers in Lille, Paris or London; this should enable you to reach any member of our practice via our automated switchboard.For example, to call our Lille office, please dial 03 20 57 03 03 from within France or + 33 3 20 57 03 03 from outside France.

Then after selecting your language (1 for English, 2 for French) please press the number corresponding to the attorney you wish to reach.

Out of office hours, would you kindly leave a message by pressing ‘0’ instead of a number for a particular attorney, but you will probably obtain a faster response by sending an email to

  By mail or international courier

All postal communications, mail and deliveries by international courier (for example via DHL, UPS, FedEx etc.) to a person in any of our offices should be sent solely to our Lille office at the following address. Madame Clare Axby
75 boulevard Vauban
59040 Lille cedexTelephone +33 3 20 57 03 03The content of your missive will be passed on at once to the lawyer concerned wherever she or he may work.

  Client or potential client meetings

We are always pleased to see clients or indeed potential clients at any of our offices, but it is respectfully made clear that this is subject to setting up a prior appointment.